Frequently asked questions

  • Doors open: 7:20 a.m.

    First bell: 7:35 a.m.

    Tardy bell: 7:40 a.m.

    Attendance bell: 10:00 a.m.

    Dismissal bell: 3:00 p.m.

    If your child arrives after 7:55 a.m., you must walk them into the building and sign them in to get a tardy pass. Please do not send them unaccompanied into the school.

  • The parking lot should only be used for students who need additional assistance.


    Walkers crossing Jay Wolf Drive must utilize the crosswalk at Stetson Hat Trail. All walkers should enter the parking lot using the sidewalk ramp and carefully continue down the crosswalk.

    Car Rider

    Cars will enter the car line in a single file using the inside lane. Beginning at 7:30 a.m., staff and Safety Patrol will help open the car door closest to the curb. Please have your child exit through this door only. Once the line of cars is complete, staff will direct the cars to pull forward and the process repeats. Car line drivers should exit ahead of any cars exiting from the parking lot.

    IMPORTANT: Do not pull into the outside lane to exit the car line. Drivers must wait in the line until staff directs the cars to pull forward. If you are a car line driver, as nice as it is to let a car exiting the parking lot in front of you, please do not. When the happens, the car line backs up, preventing the next line of cars from moving forward, which then delays students from entering the building. Cars exiting from the parking lot should wait until the break between the car line procession.

  • The parking lot should only be used for students who need additional assistance, with arrangements made through administration.

    Walker/Bike Rider

    Staff will bring the group of students up the sidewalk ramp to be picked up. All walkers/bike riders crossing Jay Wolf Drive must utilize the crosswalk at Stetson Hat Trail. Any student not picked up at the crosswalk will be brought back into the building and will need to picked up inside.

    IMPORTANT: Please wait for your child at the ramp and do not walk down into the parking lot. Do not park in the parking lot and then walk up to the drop off spot. You may park along surrounding streets, but we ask that you be mindful and respectful of the neighbors’ property.

    Car Rider

    Cars will enter the car line using both lanes. Beginning shortly after the dismissal bell at 3:10 p.m., staff and Safety Patrol will walk students out of the cafeteria and help open the car door closest to the curb. Please have your child quickly get in and buckle. Once the line of cars is complete, staff will direct the cars to pull forward and the process repeats. When the car line merges into a single lane, please merge using the zipper pattern. Car line drivers should exit ahead of any cars exiting from the parking lot.

    IMPORTANT: Do not pull into the outside lane to exit the car line or drive off if you are in the first spot.. Drivers must wait in the line until staff directs the cars to pull forward. Please pay attention and pull forward as soon as the cars in front of you begin the move. A delay in moving forward delas the students from exiting the building. If you are a car line driver, as nice as it is to let a car exiting the parking lot in front of you, please do not. When the happens, the car line backs up, preventing the next line of cars from moving forward, which then delays students from exiting the building. Cars exiting from the parking lot should wait until the break between the car line procession.

  • Be sure to bring a photo ID with you. If you are picking up a child for someone, the parent/guardian must have given the school permission.

    Students leaving early must be checked out by 2:30 p.m.

    If your child has a doctor’s appointment, please have them bring the note to school when they return and drop it into the white mailbox at the front desk.

  • Please call the front office at 512-943-5050. DO NOT LEAVE A VOICEMAIL. Teachers cannot accept changes sent directly to them.

    All transportation changes must be submitted by 1:30 p.m. Only daily changes will be accepted.

  • 2024-2025 lunch hours coming soon!

  • Visitors are welcome during lunch. Please remember to bring your photo ID or you will not be allowed to enter.

    The visitor lunch tables are in the courtyard (right outside the cafeteria). During inclement weather, lunch monitors will direct you where to sit.

    Visitors must check in and out at the computer in the foyer (preferred) or at the front desk. Please do NOT exit the cafeteria doors. All visitors MUST sign out before leaving the building.

    Please note that visitors are not allowed on campus the first two weeks of school. Campus admin will announce when visitors are allowed.

  • Store-bought, individual portion treats are allowed for birthday celebrations. Please contact your child’s teacher a week in advance to discuss.

  • UIL is offered to students in 3rd-5th grades. Currently, there are not any after school clubs.