It’s pumpkin decorating time! Get ready for our exciting pumpkin decorating contest! Students can let their creativity shine by transforming their pumpkins into something they love—whether it’s a favorite character, hobby, or special item. We can’t wait to see your amazing creations!
Judging Date: October 31st by our student council.
Contest Rules: - All pumpkins should be created at home. - Artificial pumpkins are required (plastic or foam—no ceramics, please!). - Choose any size pumpkin or assemble multiple pumpkins for your design, as long as you can carry it into school by yourself. - Pumpkins may be painted and/or include additional materials—be creative! - The pumpkin must be the main element of the project. - Legibly write your full name and teacher's last name on the BOTTOM of your pumpkin/design where it cannot be seen. - Please fill out an entry form and return it with the pumpkin. - Pumpkins must be dropped off the morning of October 28th-30th. NO late entries will be allowed! PTA volunteers and Student Council members will be available from 7:30-8:00 a.m. to help students fill out an entry form (if not already completed) and place their pumpkins in the designated grade-level area on the learning stairs.
JUDGING 1. All pumpkins will be judged on October 31st by the student council. 2. Winners will be announced at the end of the day 3. The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners for each grade level will receive a certificate, ribbon, and small prize.
This is a STUDENT contest, NOT a parent project. Entries will be judged by grade level, so a winning Kindergarten project is NOT expected to be as detailed as a 5th grade winning project. Adult assistance may be necessary when certain materials (hot glue gun, etc.), but students are responsible for the majority of the work.
Pumpkins can be picked up before dismissal on the 31st or on November 4th. Any pumpkins remaining at the end of the day on November 4th will be thrown away Let’s make this a spooktacular celebration! Happy decorating!