Apex is Coming

Our annual fall fundraiser starts next week! We partner with Apex Leadership Co. to provide a leadership program for all students, as well as a hassle-free fundraiser for our PTA. At the end of the leadership program, students will participate in a celebratory glow run. Funds raised go towards providing students and staff enrichment throughout the year.

Students will solicit pledges for the run - either a flat fee donation or a per lap pledge (ex: $1 per lap run). The maximum number of laps is 36. ALL students, regardless of whether or not they solicited donations, will participate in the glow run.

Students will participate in a Pep Rally on Monday, August 29. Apex coaches will get the students excited for the leadership program and glow run. Information on how to set up your child’s online fundraising page will be sent home that day.

On Friday, September 2, Apex would love for our students to wear orange and blue for our weekend send-off.

The Glow Run will take place inside the gym during the grade-level Specials period on Thursday, September 8. The PTA will need volunteers for each shift to help track laps and pass out water. Please note that due to space limitations inside the gym, only volunteers will be able to attend (no spectators). The sign-up sheet will be posted on August 30.