Veterans Day Breakfast

The school welcomed over 40 Veterans to campus for Veterans Day. The PTA hosted a breakfast for the Veterans and their student(s). Thank you to Phil Monday of Monday Realty Group, Sam’s Club Round Rock, and Starbucks Wolf Ranch Town Center for partnering with us to provide breakfast and the VFW - Post 8587 for the Buddy Poppy flowers for the Veterans!

Following breakfast, students in the 5th grade led the attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance and National Anthem and then performed a selection of patriotic songs. Mr. Donnell honored the Veterans individually as he recognized each military branch and respective Veterans in attendance. The program concluded with a school-wide parade with each grade level waving flags, holding banners, and wearing festive attire to show appreciation to our WRE community Veterans.

The PTA would like to thank all Veterans for their service!