Join us in the Cafeteria for our PTA general membership meeting. We have multiple items to vote on for the 2023-2024 school year including officers, a fall fundraiser, and preliminary budget. We must have quorum (10 members) in order to vote. We will also discuss volunteer opportunities for our remaining events: tie dying Field Day shirts, Staff Appreciation Week, and Field Day.
The Nominating Committee submitted the slate of officer nominees for the PTA Board for the 2023-2024 school year.
President: Kristy Parks
Vice President: Rachel McDowell
Secretary: Brandie Brown
Treasurer: Chylin Canterbury
Nominations will also be accepted from the floor during the meeting. If you would like to run for an Officer position but are unable to attend the meeting, you can email your nomination to by 7:30 a.m. on Wednesday, April 26. The nomination must include your name, position, and a brief statement that can be shared with membership during the meeting.