Lost and Found - Fall Semester

The PTA has been hard at work organizing the pile of items in the lost and found. Items have been tagged and photos uploaded to both our Facebook page and to a Google drive folder.

Please take a look and if you see an item that belongs to your child, comment on the photo with the item number, student’s name, and teacher’s name (for Facebook) or email the information to us at president@wolfranchpta.org (if browsing the photos in Google drive).

Approximately 15 items are added daily to the pile, so please continue to check back.

Please remember to label your child’s belongings so that we can quickly identify and return. If you are hesitant to write on the tags, consider ordering name labels from Name Bubbles. The PTA will receive 20% of each purchase made through our unique link or fundraising code (6736323).

Any items that are unclaimed by Friday, December 16 will be donated.

Veterans Day Breakfast

The school welcomed over 40 Veterans to campus for Veterans Day. The PTA hosted a breakfast for the Veterans and their student(s). Thank you to Phil Monday of Monday Realty Group, Sam’s Club Round Rock, and Starbucks Wolf Ranch Town Center for partnering with us to provide breakfast and the VFW - Post 8587 for the Buddy Poppy flowers for the Veterans!

Following breakfast, students in the 5th grade led the attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance and National Anthem and then performed a selection of patriotic songs. Mr. Donnell honored the Veterans individually as he recognized each military branch and respective Veterans in attendance. The program concluded with a school-wide parade with each grade level waving flags, holding banners, and wearing festive attire to show appreciation to our WRE community Veterans.

The PTA would like to thank all Veterans for their service!

Storybook Pumpkin Decorating Contest Winners

We received over 75 entries for our Storybook Pumpkin Decorating Contest! Due to the amount received, we altered the judging process a bit. A group of 10 staff members voted on their top three pumpkins per grade level. The top 3-5 scoring pumpkins were then shown to the grade-level students for their vote.

First, second, and third place winners received a small treat bag, a ribbon, and certificate. Thank you to Sonic Drive-In for donating a free ice cream cone coupon to the treat bags! First place winners also received a $15 gift certificate for the Book Fair next week.

Thank you to all those who participated! All the pumpkins were great and showed off the talent and creativity of our Pioneers!


1st Grade: Aiden Keyes

2nd Place: Rhett Harrington

3rd Place: Conrad Bales


1st Place: Isaiah Cantu

2nd Place: Katherine Knarr

3rd Place: Hazel Petty


1st Place: Zach King

2nd Place: Evan Cervantes

3rd Place: Charley Boswell


1st Place: Liam Smith

2nd Place: Asya Cable

3rd Place: Alex Garcia


1st Place: Maddie Nehrig

2nd Place: Clara Snyder

3rd Place: Julie Simonson


1st Place: Marcus Soto

2nd Place: Elián Tamez

3rd Place: Ian Agulay

Wolf Ranch by Hillwood Harvest Moon Festival

The Wolf Ranch by Hillwood neighborhood is hosting their annual Harvest Moon Festival on Saturday, October 15. The event is open to the public. There is a cost for the Spooky Trail Hike, and most festival activities are free. All proceeds from the event benefit the Wolf Ranch Elementary PTA and Tippit Middle School PTA.

Register for the Spooky Trail Hike here.

The neighborhood is also asking for volunteers leading up to the event and day-of. If you are interested in helping, please sign up here.

Apex Glow Run Tomorrow!

Our Apex Glow Run event is TOMORROW!

It’s been great sharing all of the leadership habits and fun the students and staff have had with the Apex program over the last 2 weeks. Now it’s time to celebrate everyone’s hard work!


  1. Wear comfortable shoes.

  2. Get a good night’s sleep.

  3. Eat a healthy breakfast (and lunch for afternoon events).

  4. Stay hydrated – start today and bring in your own refillable water bottle.

  5. Encourage your student to do their best.

The Glow Run will take place during grade-level Special periods. Due to space limitations, only individuals who are volunteering will be allowed at the event.

🔸 You still have time to enter pledges for your student. Go to www.MyApexEvent.com and login with your child’s access code. Help us finish strong!

Apex Leadership Habit: Realize

Today’s Apex leadership habit is: REALIZE

2 weeks ago, we set out on a quest in search of the key to becoming great leaders, and we solved the mystery. The first letter from each of the daily habits spells out “FACTOR”- Fearless, Adapt, Care, Talk ‘em up, Original, and Realize. Today is when we REALIZE that we have all the traits necessary to become the “X-FACTOR” and change the world!

🗣At home conversation starter: The Apex leadership lessons finished today, and discovered what it means to be the “X-FACTOR”. Awesome job! How can you apply what you’ve learned at home and school to keep being a great leader all year long?

Apex Leadership Habit: Talk 'Em Up

Today’s Apex leadership habit is: TALK ‘EM UP

When we talk positively about ourselves it can give us the strength to keep going, the strength to overcome challenges we face. Encouraging others and highlighting their strengths can also bring out the best in them!

🗣At home conversation starter: Ask your child how it feels when someone pays them a compliment or says something encouraging. Talk about ways that they can also make others feel good about themselves. Discuss words and phrases that can turn negative thoughts around, like instead of saying “I can’t do that,” say “I can’t do that, YET.” Rather than focusing on being smart or good at something, change the focus to how hard they tried or how much they have improved.

Apex Leadership Habit: Adapt

Today’s Apex leadership habit is: ADAPT

To adapt means we are able to adjust to different situations, especially when they’re out of our control!

🗣At home conversation starter: Talk with your child about a situation they have gone through that required they adapt or change their behaviors or expectations. Do they sometimes struggle with new experiences? What are some things that will help them adjust and feel more comfortable?

Apex Leadership Habit: Fearless

The leadership and character portion of the Apex program starts today. Over the next 2 weeks Apex will take students on a quest in search of the key to becoming great leaders and learn some important habits along the way. We’ll highlight a different leadership habit each day so families can continue the conversation at home.

Our first Apex leadership habit is FEARLESS. Being fearless means we’re willing to push ourselves outside of our comfort zone. It means we’re willing to take the first step into the unknown, even if we fail!

🗣At home conversation starter: Ask your child if they have ever been afraid to try something new because they thought they wouldn’t be able to do it well. Talk to them about ways to break down a big challenge into smaller pieces so it is easier to overcome.

Our Fundraiser Has Begun!

PLEDGING IS NOW OPEN for our Apex Glow Run event fundraiser!

We’re raising funds for 💙 Student and Staff Enrichment 💙 and WE NEED YOUR HELP:

  1. Getting Started: Log onto the MyApexEvent.com website using your student’s unique ACCESS CODE. Codes are coming home today!

  2. Make a Donation: Simply click the “Enter Pledge” button on your student’s donation page to make a $ pledge per lap or any flat donation amount.

  3. Share with Family & Friends: Invite family and friends to donate online using the “Share Wizard” feature. Send a link via SMS text, email, and social media.

  4. Be a Cheerleader: On September 8, encourage your student to do their best at our Apex Glow Run event. It’s going to be a TON of FUN!

Thanks for supporting Wolf Ranch Elementary PTA!

Apex is Coming

Our annual fall fundraiser starts next week! We partner with Apex Leadership Co. to provide a leadership program for all students, as well as a hassle-free fundraiser for our PTA. At the end of the leadership program, students will participate in a celebratory glow run. Funds raised go towards providing students and staff enrichment throughout the year.

Students will solicit pledges for the run - either a flat fee donation or a per lap pledge (ex: $1 per lap run). The maximum number of laps is 36. ALL students, regardless of whether or not they solicited donations, will participate in the glow run.

Students will participate in a Pep Rally on Monday, August 29. Apex coaches will get the students excited for the leadership program and glow run. Information on how to set up your child’s online fundraising page will be sent home that day.

On Friday, September 2, Apex would love for our students to wear orange and blue for our weekend send-off.

The Glow Run will take place inside the gym during the grade-level Specials period on Thursday, September 8. The PTA will need volunteers for each shift to help track laps and pass out water. Please note that due to space limitations inside the gym, only volunteers will be able to attend (no spectators). The sign-up sheet will be posted on August 30.